
Inspired by the values and philosophy of the Reggio Emilia approach, Islander Pre-School offers a programme of inquiry that supports the growth and development of inquiring minds, helping them connect to transferable ideas to achieve a deeper understanding.  Secure attachments and relationships are built through respectful and reciprocal interactions in a warm and nurturing environment to ensure that children learn with confidence.

Our programme taps on children’s innate curiosity about the world around them and offers opportunities of exploration and discovery as well as the representation of ideas and theories through multiple languages including verbal dialogues, dramatisation, drawing and painting, design and construction, music and movement. Their holistic development is promoted through our learning programme and environment.

The learning environment is seen as part of the curriculum. There are much purpose and intentionality in how our learning spaces reflect our thinking about children’s development and the types of experiences that we wish to offer children to extend and challenge their understandings and skills in relation to learning goals.

We take pride in our strong bilingual programme that promotes the acquisition of both English and Mandarin in rich and meaningful contexts. Children are also presented with the opportunity to immerse in the Chinese culture through our Mandarin lessons. 


Pre-Nursery Curriculum

The moment children enter our doors, we support them in their discovery of their sense of identity and belonging.  Through inquiry-based learning, children explore, learn and make meaningful connections both indoors and the expansive outdoors. As they explore alongside their peers, we assist them in developing social competence and problem-solving. 

A sense of autonomy and independence is encouraged gradually as they become familiar with the people, the environment and the routines. Simultaneously, we work with the children to build foundational skills needed to support them with their learning in the future 

Learning experiences are planned around children’s interests about the world around them, exploring transferrable concepts such as cause and effect. Sensorial play experiences are aplenty and with lush greenery all around, there are endless opportunities for children to explore and discover in an organic environment. 


EtonHouse Islander

35 Allanbrooke Road, Sentosa, Singapore 099982
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+65 6274 2211