
BSc (Hons) Banking and Finance 

Diploma (Conversion) with Merit in Early  Childhood Teaching 

I believe in providing young children with a variety of experiences to discover their own identity and ways to express themselves. The wonder of a child is truly a superpower that allows them to be so full of curiosity for this world we live in! This is why I always keep an open mind when interacting with young children as they often provide perspectives that are very different from ours or what we expect.

I believe that children are capable and I will support them as they build their confidence in completing routine tasks independently and guide them in developing the necessary self-help skills.

Ongoing positive home-school communication and collaboration are valuable for children’s learning so please feel free to reach out!

Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education

Currently pursuing Degree in Early Childhood Education with Psychology

I truly believe children are the constructors of knowledge. The interest they have within them drives them to their intended goal(s). The environment, experiences and opportunities made available for the children would allow them to seek further and expand their horizons.

As a teacher, I strive to create a safe learning haven with meaningful, engaging learning activities for children to learn, grow and play.

I also believe that strong parental partnership is vital as it creates positive experiences and extends learning beyond the classroom for the children.

Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood

I believe that children are unique individuals who should be valued and given the chance to express themselves. As educators, we are responsible for setting up positive learning environments for children to be able to feel comfortable and at ease while learning and enabling them to gain necessary skills and knowledge for different stages in their lives. Family partnership is important to me and I believe that when we work together, we will create a loving and nurturing environment for each child to grow in.

Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Studies 

I believe that connecting with children comes before everything else. A child who feels safe in his or her environment is more willing to take on new challenges. 

I enjoy getting families involved to extend children’s learning outside the classroom. Looking forward to an exciting journey with you this year!

Diploma in Early Childhood

Currently pursuing Degree in Early Childhood Education with Special Education

I believe that all children are unique individuals and that an early childhood environment should be fun and motivating, a place where children feel safe to learn, grow and express themselves confidently.

Diploma in Early Childhood & Care Education – Teaching

I have always believed that the early years are the most fundamental years for the child. It is through these fundamental years that children learn the right habits to grow independently. Bearing in mind that each child is unique, I hope to shape their love in learning through respectful interactions and opportunities to instill self-pride and joy in young children.

Pre-school Education, Northeast Normal University


Degree In Early Childhood Education

In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” This has been my teaching philosophy. As an Early Childhood Educator, my teaching journey has always been fun and enriching. I enjoy educating and nurturing young minds, as well as learning from them in the process. I hope to continue to inspire young minds like how they are as an inspiration to me to be a better role model for them.

Diploma in Learning Disorder Management and Child Psychology

Hello everyone, I am Ms Mas and I am an Assistant Teacher. 

I have been teaching in this industry for 15 years in different international preschools and environments.

My Teaching philosophy is to cultivate the love for lifelong learning by helping them (the children) find a connection between the curriculum and their interests which also encompasses their development. Every child is unique in their own way in terms of life experiences, developmental readiness, and cultural heritage.

Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) – Teaching

I see my teaching career as an ongoing learning process just like the children. I also believe that learning through play is the best way a child is able to discover and learn about themselves and the world around them.

Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education

I started out my teaching journey in the Early Childhood industry as a trainee teacher, pursuing a Diploma and eventually a Bachelor’s Degree. As a strong advocate for lifelong learning, I always welcome opportunities to upskill and upgrade myself. After having children of my own, I grew a keen interest in the growth and development of infants and toddlers. Thus, I took up the Infant Certification to better understand this group of children. I strongly believe that children learn best in an environment where their voices and actions are valued. I hope to provide a safe space for children to express themselves freely and acquire new knowledge through the inquiry approach. Finally, I look forward to collaborating with parents to provide a meaningful Early Years’ experience for your child.

WSQ Advanced Certificate in Early Years (Chinese)

我毕业台湾国立屏东科技大学,持有幼儿保育高级证书(WSQ Advanced Certificate in Early Years -Chinese) 。



Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education


Degree in Early Childhood Care and Education in Teaching Chinese 

每一个孩子都是独一无二的,总有一天,他们会走出自己的路。 《地球上的星星》 

Every single child is unique, and some day they will walk  on a road of their very own. (Taare Zameen Par) 

孩子就像夜空中闪闪发光的小星星,然而即使是星星也有 闪耀的,也有静默,可他们都是独一无二的,就像我们要 尊重每一颗星星一样,我们也要平等地对待每一个孩子。 天上有多少星星,地上就有多少孩子。每个孩子都是独一 无二的,上帝都赋予了他们特殊的才能,作为教育工作者, 我 们 能 做 的 就 是 陪 伴 在 他 们 身 边 适 当 地 引 导 他 们 。

Degree in Chinese Culture and Language 
Diploma in Early Childhood Education

从事幼儿教育多年,跟好多孩子相处,爱着每一 个孩子。对我来说,每一个孩子都有自己的个性,都 是独特的天使,我们给予他们足够的尊重、富足的爱、 绝对的重视,让他们在爱的环境中快乐的成长,去发 现去探索,成为一个爱自己、爱他人爱世界的个体。 我希望跟我在一起的每个孩子,一起学习、一起微笑、 一起拥抱阳光,一起播下爱的种子。  

Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Chinese)

从事教育行业将近 15 年,对学前教育和小学教育有深切的了解。 深信每个孩子都需要被“看见”,我认为孩子是一个独立的个体, 我们应该予以尊重和平等对待。因为每个孩子都是独一无二的, 在 教育中我们应该因材施教。学习应该是一个终身的过程。在探索 过程中, 我们应鼓励并保护孩子自主学习的兴趣, 培养他们形成良 好的学习习惯, 使不断学习成为一个持之以恒的过程。 


Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education

0-6 岁是儿童发展的关键时期,它对儿童性格形成、行 为习惯养成及心智成长具有重要作用。幼儿是在日常生 活的体验经历中学习、成长,每个幼儿都具有自身发展的独特性。作为老师,我认为要以幼儿的兴趣为出发点, 以幼儿自身的体验为核心,鼓励帮助幼儿主动积极地探索生活,培养他们的好奇心、专注力、动手能力等。同 时也要塑造幼儿良好的情绪发展和心理健康,让他们身 心健康地茁壮成长 

The age of 0-6 is a critical period for children’s development. It plays an important role in the formation of children’s character, behavior habits and the growth of their minds. Children are learning and growing in the experience of daily life, and each child has its own unique development. As a teacher, I think it is necessary to start with children’s interests and take children’s own experience as the core,  encourage and help children to explore life,  therefore to cultivate their curiosity,  concentration and practical skills. At the same time, it is also necessary to shape the children’s emotional development and mental health, so that they can grow up physically and mentally.

Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching in Chinese



Department of Family Studies & Child Development (Degree)


Diploma in Early Childhood Education

大家好! 我是陆老师,毕业于新加坡 AIC 幼儿教育学院。我坚信每个儿童都是独一无二的,因此尊重幼儿的独立个性,尽可能满足每个儿童情感和身体上的需求是我在培育幼儿过程中的前提和保证。在教学过程中提倡寓教于乐“玩中学”的教学方式,让幼儿在潜移默化中培养自我探索的

Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Chinese)


Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching in Chinese


Degree in Child Development and Family Studies 


Bachelor of Arts [B.A.] Honours in Graphic Design
Diploma Early Childhood in Education

Hi! I am Lydia and an atelierista in EtonHouse Quayside Pre-School. I once worked as a graphic designer for 1.5 years after graduating with a BA (Hons) Graphic Design and found my new passion in the Early Childhood industry. I started working as an assistant teacher for two years before working as an atelierista. 

I believe that children should have the freedom to explore and have fun with the process of making art. There is no right or wrong way of making art, there is only the art process where children will enjoy. Sometimes they make mistakes and those art are called accidental art. Sometimes they are mini scientists that explore various ways to do art with different outcomes. 

I hope to meet you and your child to have a wonderful art experience in the atelier!


5 月 9 日より日本語クラスを担当させていただくことになりました髙川依子です。


Diploma Green Building & Sustainability Engineering

Let us walk alongside our children in their journey of discovery, for in their eyes lies the true essence of wonder and excitement. As we help them uncover their passions and strengths, we inspire them to embrace life with open hearts and open minds, and to see the world as a canvas full of endless possibilities!

Diploma in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Management

Hello parents! I’m Kessie, the admin in charge of accounts at EtonHouse Quayside Pre-School. Every morning, you’ll find me at the reception area, ready to warmly welcome your child.

I’ve been a part of Quayside since it first opened in 2015, and though I briefly left in 2019 due to relocation, I happily rejoined in 2022 and reunited with familiar faces once again.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions about school fees or any other concerns. I’m here to assist you with a friendly smile!


Parent Testimonial

EtonHouse Quayside Pre-School

Robertson Walk, 11 Unity Street, #02-20, Singapore 237995
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+65 6221 1050