
Our goal at EtonHouse Pre-School is to provide a thoughtfully considered and aesthetically beautiful learning environment, designed to stimulate the learning and development of young children 18 months to 6 years of age.

Our curriculum is inspired by our understanding of the work undertaken in the world renowned pre-schools and infant toddler centres in Reggio Emilia, in Northern Italy.  We adopt two curriculum frameworks at the pre-school – the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) in our Nursery 2 to Kindergarten 2 classes, as well as the EtonHouse Inquire.Think.Learn curriculum in our Pre-Nursery and Nursery 1 classes. Both frameworks are play-based and inquiry-based where children’s ideas, interests and theories inform the design of curriculum and learning experiences.

Young children at EtonHouse Nature Pre-School are respected as competent thinkers and communicators who are offered many opportunities to engage with a wide range of materials and resources to extend and challenge their thinking. Our curriculum invites children to explore, discover, hypothesise, predict, problem solve, construct and document their deepening understanding of the world in which we live. Our approach acknowledges the significance of socio-cultural theory in that children learn via quality interactions and relationships with people, places and things.

We encourage young children to explore their environment and express themselves using multiple languages which may include speaking, singing, movement, drawing, painting, writing, building and designing, collage, dramatic play, and music. Topics of study for project work may be captured from the children’s current competencies, skills, ideas and theories, through family and community events, as well as the best known interests of children that includes enduring childhood themes such as relationships, roles and responsibilities; and identity.

More information on our curriculum frameworks:

EtonHouse Inquire.Think.Learn 

International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme 

Come and experience our child-responsive inquiry curriculum designed based on our deep respect for children.

Our Programme of Inquiry: Pre-Nursery 

Please note, this programme of inquiry is subject to change as teachers reflect and develop the curriculum throughout the year.


Parent Testimonial

360 Virtual Tour

Take a Virtual Tour of Nature Pre-School

Sitting on a land area of 6050 square metres with a built-up area of 1250 square metres, the campus has sprawling outdoor spaces, presenting ample opportunities for children to embrace the natural environment.

EtonHouse Nature Pre-School

718 Mountbatten Road, Singapore 437738
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+65 6846 3322