
EtonHouse Vanda believes the features of an effective high quality early childhood education program must include:

  • The child as central to all decision making and planning
  • The pedagogical consideration of listening to children
  • Positive, respectful, reciprocal relationships between children, parents and staff
  • The integration of knowledge, skills, dispositions and attitudes
  • Proactive social justice strategies
  • Play as the central mode of learning and development for the youngest children
  • Intellectually, socially and emotionally satisfying experiences
  • The active participation of families
  • A responsive and well resourced physical environment

With the right focus, we have created a flexible and interactive curriculum for the children, that challenges them to become more independent in doing everyday things and always curious about their environment.

EtonHouse Vanda prides itself on providing a well-rounded curriculum that allows children to be exposed to a bilingual education in English and Mandarin. Both English and Mandarin educators adopt the roles as collegial partners in facilitating the process of children’s thinking. This bilingual approach to learning has been extremely well received by both local and expatriate families. Through a variety of teaching approaches and hands-on learning, children develop their listening, reading and writing skills in the language. Parents value this programme for its role in preparing children for formal Mandarin curriculum in local primary schools. The expatriate families appreciate the exposure that their child gets to the Chinese language, festivities, traditions and values.

Our Nursery 1 children will be attending ZhongHua Mandarin Immersion Programme in January 2023.

Other enrichment courses provided by the school include:

  • Tinytots Soccer
  • Lego


How does the Nursery programme look like?

Nursery is designed for children from 2 to 3 years and 3 to 4 years. These groups of children are starting to express themselves in all dimensions; build their own identity as well as awareness. We believe that children are curious and competent. Teachers become co-protagonists in their knowledge building process. As co-constructors of knowledge, the teachers no longer ‘teach’, ‘tell’, ‘explain’, but to ‘listen’. Listening means to be open to others and what they have to say. Listening to the hundred (or more) languages with all our senses. 


Parent Testimonial

EtonHouse Vanda

1 Vanda Road, Singapore 287771
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+65 6468 7880