
Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education at Wheelock College

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
13 Years

My Philosophy
Every child deserves a champion; an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be.

I view children as competent, curious and resilient individuals. I believe that they develop an understanding of their world through social interactions and in-depth exploration of materials in the environment. Our role as adults is to act as a facilitator of their interests; to observe, listen and question. I look forward to working hand in hand with parents on their learning journey together; to be the champions they need in their life.

Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
19 Years

My Philosophy

Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education – Teaching

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
12 Years

My Philosophy
I believe that every child has the potential to learn, grow, and thrive in their own way, at their own pace and with a supportive environment. Through collaboration between the school and parents, it will also empower the children to actively construct their own knowledge and understanding of the world around them through play, exploration, and inquiry.

Young children are precious and unique individual who deserve to be respected and nurtured. I believe that it is important to build genuine connections with children to encourage meaningful learning. 

Diploma in Preschool Education & Teaching(Bilingual direction)

Weifang Engineering Vocation Universities

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
7 Years

My Philosophy       

Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Teaching) NIEC

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
5 Years

My Philosophy       
I believe that children learn through purposeful play and exploring things as well as the environment around them. I look forward to creating fun learning opportunities for our children and exploring their interests!

Bachelor degree from Department of Early Childhood Education, Asia University, Taiwan (2014 – 2018)

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
4 Years

My Philosophy


Diploma in Child Psychology & Early Education, Ngee Ann Polytechnic 

Years of Experience in Early Childhood 
4 Years 

My Philosophy 
“Education begins the moment we see children as innately wise and capable beings. Only then can we play along in their world” – Vince Gowmon 

I believe that children are natural learners that will thrive when provided with the right support and encouragement. As an educator, it is my responsibility to provide them with the appropriate materials, environment and space to explore to their full potential. I strongly believe in listening to the voices of children and creating meaningful experience for children through play. 


Years of Experience in Early Childhood
8 Years

My Philosophy
我认为每位幼儿都是独一无二的,认真倾听 他们的心声,了解每一位幼儿的 性格特点,才能给予他们最好的帮助。在学习中我会提供孩子们所需要的材料, 让他们自由探索学习,培养他们的创造力和独立能力。

Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education – Teaching

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
2 Years

My Philosophy
The early years of a child’s life is busy. I believe learning is happening all the time and is interwoven through all developmental domains. I also believe children need the assurance of being loved and cared for while they are enjoying an educational environment. Therefore, my role as a teacher is to be a facilitator to make this ongoing learning experience safe, positive, and fun, nurturing the whole child as I strive to guide them into the next stage of development with confidence in themselves and an excitement for continued learning. 

I strongly believe that a strong home-school partnership leads to a more enriching and fulfilling learning journey for your child. Let us embark on creating a memorable learning adventure hand in hand, for your child! 

Diploma in Early Childhood Education

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
19 Years

My Philosophy
As an early childhood educator, I believe that every child is special and unique in their own way. A child is a thinking individual who thrives in an enriched environment. With my experience in guiding young children to enhance their skills, I also believe working hand in hand together with the parents to watch their children’s progress. Children will experience the joy of learning by preserving the excitement and curiosity in them through various interesting experiences.
I love to explore together with the children where we can invent a masterpiece by putting different ideas together.
As a life-long learner, I have always been keen to upgrade myself to learn and try out new and fun filled activities to incorporate them in the learning environment.


智源教育学院(KLC Institute)

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
15 Years

My Philosophy

Professional Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education, Asian International College

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
9 Years

My Philosophy
“Fill the children with joy, laughter and happiness 
and they will brighten up our lives.”

I believe that children are our future, and every one of them is capable and has the potential to make a difference in the world we live in. If we teach them the importance of values such as happiness and joy, they will spread it around and in return, making our world a better place to live in.   

Fundamentals in Early Childhood Care and Education 

Diploma in Counselling Studies 

Advanced Diploma in Special Needs Education 

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
10 years 

My Philosophy
I believe that every child brings uniqueness into each new experience and takes an active role in the process of learning through engagement.I am here to support children’s learning to make sense of the world around them and help them discover their inner natural potential.

Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages 
Degree in Preschool Education-Teaching (Chinese)

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
12 Years

My Philosophy

Diploma in Child Psychology & Early Education, Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
7 Years

My Philosophy
Children deserve to have their thoughts, feelings and opinions respected and should always be given a safe space to express them so the art of communication in them is cultivated and strengthened with practice and guidance. With an environment that is crafted for a variety of learning styles to ensure that all are given equal opportunities to flourish, my vision for the children is not only for them to be guided to grow into independent, capable and confident learners but also compassionate learners as well.
As we work hand-in-hand with families to shape children’s thought processes and perspectives, we are gradually building them up for success in the future; one where they recognize that success is not defined by their mistakes or failures, but by the resilience and courage that springs forth from embracing those failures.

Bachelor’s degree in international Chinese Language Education

Diploma in Preschool Education 

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
8 Years

My Philosophy

Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education at Wheelock College

Experience in Early Childhood
9 Years

My Philosophy
I believe every child is unique and they learn at different paces using different methods. Our role as teachers is to observe, listen and question in order to further extend children’s thinking and to deepen their understanding of the world. I view the classroom as a third teacher and a safe environment for children to voice out their thoughts, ideas and opinions. To me, teaching a journey where learning takes place not only for the children but also for the teachers and the community.

Diploma in Early Childhood
Bachelor’s Degree in Preschool Education

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
8 Years

My Philosophy

Bachelor Degree of Arts (Hons) in Early Childhood Studies

University of Chester, United Kingdom

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
9 years

My Philosophy 
I strongly believe that children learn through play as play offers young children the opportunity to put their ideas into action. I also believe in the importance of a carefully prepared learning environment that invites young children to explore and learn through play. Furthermore, the quality of family relationships also plays a vital role in children’s learning and development. Positive relationships between home and school support children as they settle into school. I am looking forward to the academic year ahead as we develop a strong class community, make meaningful connections and delve into collaborative learning experiences together.

Bachelor Degree of Early Childhood Care and Education

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
6 Years

My Philosophy

Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education – Teaching
National Institute of Early Childhood Development

Bachelor of Science in Accounting
University of Southern California

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
5 Years

My Philosophy
Every child is an unique individual with the right to being treated with respect, love and commitment. It is my role to nurture the pebbles of wonder and foster positive social-emotional development; and my goal to ignite the love for learning in a reassuring and inviting environment.

I believe in working hand-in-hand with parents and the community to promote curiosity and kindness, as well as instil resilience and adaptability to empower children with the heart and skills to be lifelong superheroes to better this world we live in.

Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
6 Years

Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education

My Philosophy

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Psychology and Sociology, University of Toronto

Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education – Teaching, Seed Institute

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
9 Years

My Philosophy
“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.” – Alfie Kohn

This motto is one that I firmly stand by and is the basis for my philosophy. I believe that children’s learning is driven by their own imagination and curiosity, and I aim to create a safe environment where children feel confident in expressing and exploring their interests. Building a strong rapport with the children is therefore key in achieving this, as it is through positive interactions and collaboration with children that enhances their learning experience. I enjoy incorporating art activities into my lessons, as it provides a way for children to express their thoughts and feelings through a variety of mediums.

As parents are a child’s first teachers, I also strongly believe in working closely with families in order to further my understanding of each child’s unique needs, thus maximising the child’s learning experience both in school and at home.

Diploma in Preschool Education & Teaching, Asian International College
Master in Chinese International Education, Ji Nan University
Higher Teaching Certificate

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
9 Years

My Philosophy      

UBT - Ms He Hua

Diploma in Early Childhood Education, SEED Institute

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
17 Years

My Philosophy

Masters in Course and Teaching Theory
Bachelors Degree in Public Utility Management & Diploma in Early Childhood

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
25 Years

My Philosophy
我的教育理念是“以幼儿为本” 、“游戏中学习”和“体验式学习”,为幼儿创造良好的学习模式环境与成长的氛围,让孩子在良好的教育环境和方法中茁壮的成长。我希望通过互动游戏和支持性的学习环境,让幼儿爱上华文,并能够用华文勇敢,自信地表达。我的目标是与父母密切合作,为每个孩子的终身学习奠定基础。

WSQ Professional Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education – Teaching (Chinese)

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
6 Years

My Philosophy

Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education – Teaching (Chinese)

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
12 Years

My Philosophy
解他们的世 界,习得相关的语言与技能。


Years of Experience in Early Childhood
4 Years

My Philosophy
让孩子在快乐中学习知识,与他们成为亲密的朋友。共同进步,共同学习。认真倾听孩子内心的想法,从他们的角度考虑问题,走进孩子的内心。解他们的世 界,习得相关的语言与技能。

AECES Certificate of Professional Development

Early Childhood Care and Education Fundamental Course (Chinese)

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
21 Years

My Philosophy

Bachelor of education

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
13 Years

My Philosophy



四川范大学 学前教育

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
9 Years

My Philosophy



Degree in Preschool Education 

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
16 Years

My Philosophy

Degree in Preschool Education

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
6 Years

My Philosophy

Train up a child in the way he should go.
And even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Masters in Education (Early Childhood), National Institute of Education
Advanced Diploma in Kindergarten Education- Teaching, Singapore Polytechnic

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
15 Years

My Philosophy
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart  from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
As a teacher preparing children for the 21st century, I believe that it isn’t sufficient to teach the academic skills. Many people could do that! I strongly believe that in order to excel in today’s society, our young children need to have the soft skills to be adaptive regardless of the situation and they ought to be curious learners who are individuals that are able to learn. This is also why, as a teacher, I try my utmost best to make learning meaningful through play as learning takes place when interest in present. Wouldn’t you agree?

Master degree in Education(music) in NIE
Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education
3rd prize in the Singapore Chinese Rhythm Composing Competition in 2018
Project Management Essentials Certified in 2022
IELTS 6.5 score.

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
12 Years

My philosophy
I respect every child as a curious, communicative, capable, confident and respected individual. Through the holistic performing arts programme that integrated creative drama, traditional Chinese cultural stories, music and movement and inquiry-based learning approach, as a facilitator I believe that children are capable to find the joy of learning and to learn as an artist.

Diploma in Visual Communication, Temasek Polytechnic
Fine Arts Foundation, University of the Nations, South Korea
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Murdoch University

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
7 Years

My Philosophy
I believe in the power of curiosity, interest and self-expression in fuelling our desire to learn. The Reggio Emilio approach embraced by EtonHouse encompasses that belief and harnesses the child to grow holistically in their own potential. I hope each child will get to explore and experience the beauty of the world around us and that I can nurture their creative minds to be confident in the visual arts.

Diploma In Sports and Exercise Science
NITEC In Fitness Training
CPR AED Certified

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
1 Year

My Philosophy
I believe that Physical Education is crucial for a child’s development. It contributes to a child’s cognitive development as they learn and explore about properties of different objects and their own physical capabilities.

The Play Based Philosophy also known as “Progressive” commonly used in pre-schools in the United States is the philosophy I stand by; I believe that children learn best through play. Young children undergo a wide range of physical and psychological development in their early years, incorporating activities that support this growth is important.

In addition, Physical Education helps young children develop personal and social skills. Through participating in the activities, they will develop self- confidence, learning how to interact with their classmates and sportsmanship. All these skills can translate into them playing a sport in the future.

My goal is to make Physical Education a curriculum that children enjoy learning a range of movement skills and have fun as well.

Diploma in Child Psychology and Early Childhood

Years of Experience in Early Childhood
2 Years

My Philosophy
As a teacher, I believe it takes a big heart to shape a little mind. By doing so, I strive to make a positive impact in children’s lives and to foster an environment where children can explore and develop their creativity.

My goal is to make Physical Education a curriculum that children enjoy learning a range of movement skills and have fun as well.


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At EtonHouse, great emphasis is placed on the planning and development of respectful, engaging, meaningful and innovative learning environments that reinforce our inquiry-based philosophy of teaching and learning. 

EtonHouse Pre-School Upper Bukit Timah

215 Upper Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 588184
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+65 6762 3322