Parent Testimonials


Santos Family

I love that the children are encouraged to be themselves and learn at their own pace. The children are respected and valued for all their attributes. The curriculum allows the children to learn and discover independently, providing them with lifelong skills. 

I feel that the school has a really special community. My daughter loves to come to school and it’s like a second home for her. 

The teachers are all creative and caring, whenever I attend parent meetings with my child’s teachers I can see how well they know her and that they plan for her learning accordingly. 

My daughter has blossomed since she joined the school in Year one. She has developed a strong sense of self and she has become much more independent and confident. She has built wonderful relationships with her teachers and peers. School life has encouraged and developed her innate curiosity and wonder. 

The parent liaison team are always friendly and helpful and they know all the children personally. Ms Lisa, principal, has such great knowledge and experience in her field and always takes time to share this with all of the children and their families to best support the needs of everyone in the school community. 

We also love the outdoor environment at Sentosa, the surrounding nature and wildlife is really special and unique. 

Bruno Dos Santos & Natalie Kealy, Parents of Flavia (Year 2) – 2022

Digby Family

EtonHouse Sentosa stands out for Community & Connections! Everyone at school knows Joshua’s name. Every single interaction is a personal one. It is an incredibly warm & welcoming environment that makes children feel safe, secure & confident. This sense of connection and belonging, for our child, is really important to us as expats.

Mandarin stands out as the dual language classroom setting is a life changing opportunity, especially in those precious first six years. The inquiry based approach is so natural, the children develop a love for learning without being glued to desks and lectured. 

The Environment is another factor; Joshua wakes up when he is ready to wake up and then cycles to school along the beach everyday, passing peacocks, otters, hornbills and often racing another EtonHouse friend. The school setting is simply unparalleled, situated in a magical, leafy garden, environment. We couldn’t ask for more.

Joshua also suffered seizures in his early years and EtonHouse hired a nurse from a hospital emergency room, to support the Sentosa campus. Knowing that medical expertise is on hand is so reassuring. Because the school is boutique, Nurse Sanjit knows the children and they know her. Everything is built on personal relationships, there is no fear factor. We love waving Nurse Sanjit “good morning” everyday as she greets the children on arrival. 

When we reviewed the teacher biographies we were also impressed by both the level of experience and diversity in the team.  Joshua has enjoyed learning from Teachers with experiences across Singapore, USA, Russia, Japan, England and China – all this before turning 5!

There is a strong sense of empathy and engagement consistent across every member of staff. The leadership and liaison teams are readily available, always responsive and given the boutique nature of the school they know your child and can talk to the matter at hand.  When we were evaluating school choices for Joshua, the leadership team were very accommodating in assisting us, sharing details of the curriculum, teacher biographies and making themselves available for 121 interviews to answer all of our questions.

Joshua’s journey began as a baby, enrolled onto the EtonHouse Parent and Me playgroup on Wednesday mornings. It was so natural for him to transition into the step up programme and then into nursery and beyond. 

In the early years, language acquisition stood out for us. It was clear that Joshua was really being engaged at school. The inquiry-based approach is perfect for curious, active minds, and Joshua comes home bursting with enthusiasm for the topics he has been exploring at school. The investment in emotional intelligence also stands out from manners to managing big feelings to a four-year-old role modelling social justice! 

Preschools often get stereotyped as “play” but EtonHouse has articulated a carefully crafted curriculum and it shows. At four, Joshua is reading, writing, and sharing insights into natural history, whilst also singing happy birthday to his friends in Mandarin! 

Louise and Craig Digby, Parents of Joshua (Kindergarten 1) – 2022

Marwen Family 

Our top three things about the school are the feedback & sensitive leadership, individual student attention and the safe environment! We love that EtonHouse’s curriculum also focuses on soft skills like manners, empathy, resilience, social and self-confidence. 

All the teachers Maeriasha has had have been fantastic in their efforts to feed her curious years. Their dealings with us are consistently pleasant and warm. We get happy snatches of peer discussions and teacher-student dialogues. The top-notch Mandarin programme is supported by some superb Laoshis. They have boosted Maeriasha’s fluency in the language to her present status of being able to easily translate Mandarin songs playing on the taxi radio stations.

Lisa, our principal and Tracy, our curriculum coordinator have been great for us with their accessible leadership. They have been most generous in their cosy rapport with the kids, letting them approach their office spaces. Their approachable personalities have helped manage many situations with incredible ease. Whenever we visit school, most times Lisa makes it a point to catch us at the main door with her smile, hug and hello. The parent liaison team is always prompt and pleasant with reverts and coordination.

EtonHouse is Maeriasha’s first ever school. We are fortunate that her earliest exposure to formal education has been a positive one. The school’s unique environment has been such a blessing to her nature-loving approach to learning. She has acquired core knowledge in literacy, maths and Mandarin, supported by the right kind and amount of physical activities and art classes. We appreciate that the teachers have nurtured her individualism and thus contributed to her self-confidence. We are grateful to the friends she has earned at school, making her school life so memorable.

The school’s island setting has efficiently served our nature-curious child. Maeriasha always comes back with saga seeds, leaves and mini anecdotes from the annexed garden and forest. She counts the outdoor time she gets with friends and teachers as her favourite school hours. She has also thoroughly enjoyed her PE expeditions around Sentosa.

We’ve also had a great experience with the bus support. They are pleasant, amiable and take good care of the kids. Maeriasha thinks the school nurse is superb!

As parents we feel a wonderful part of the school community through the various workshops. We would also like to thank the EtonHouse Community Fund initiated ‘teacher everywhere’ programme for giving us an opportunity to give back to the community.

Riniki Chakravarty Marwen & Moninder Nath Jain, Parents of Maeriasha Jain (Year 2) – 2022

Wijeratne Family

EtonHouse Sentosa provides an exceptionally warm and caring experience for the children. The school feels intimate and the children are known well by all the staff on site, yet at the same time the variety of different learning spaces at school – both inside and out, mean that the learning experience is varied, fun and interesting. There is always something new to spark curiosity and engage the children.

We have been so impressed by the way that the Teachers and the whole EtonHouse team have made Rory feel safe and secure. He often describes his teacher as “my best friend”.

The campus facilities, the emphasis on nature-based and outdoor learning to drive curiosity and imagination, and the sense of care and nurture for the young students is second to none. School truly is a ‘home away from home’ for Rory. He transitioned to the longer days with no issues and I am sure this is because he feels so happy and safe in the school environment.

We also feel incredibly blessed to have the wonderful school just a short bike ride from home so that the school day begins and ends with a lovely cycle ride.

Rory has built strong bonds with his teaching team, especially his class core teacher. It is obvious that they are affectionate and nurturing yet also respectful of the children, and this combination has helped Rory to develop and enjoy his learning.

We have been impressed by how much his skills have developed, for instance, his counting, communication, appreciation for art, and understanding of Chinese – all signs of how the teaching approach is working well for him.

We have been very happy with the communication from the school and the parent liaison team have always been prompt and efficient in handling any queries.

The strong leadership of the school is evident in many ways, not least through the effective way in which the school has managed the covid situation.

The overriding positive for me is how much Rory loves coming to school. Everything else stems from that! He approaches each day with enthusiasm and is increasingly able to communicate insights from his day – sharing stories about his friends, his discoveries (usually to do with nature), his meals and snacks and stories and songs that he has learned. The most noticeable recent ‘academic’ milestone has been his grasp of counting and one to one correlation to accurately count items up to around 12.

We adore the school campus, the variety of spaces both indoors and outdoors and that the school makes use of the wider island to broaden the children’s experience, and introduce them to adventure and risk taking. We also wholly support rainy day play.

The school provides a wonderful and highly personalised and intimate learning experience for young students, connected with nature and the outdoors. As a family we also deeply appreciate the fully rounded provision where meals and snacks are provided (helping to introduce children to the social and personal skills associated with mealtimes) and with the option for a longer day.

This provides a very practical option for working families, because it gives confidence that the children and well cared for, engaged and safe and confident throughout the day.

We are very happy with Rory’s learning at EtonHouse and genuinely could not ask for more!

Clare & David Wijeratne, Parents of Rory Wijeratne (Nursery 1) – 2022

Dalton Family

For us as a family the key strengths of EtonHouse Sentosa are that each child is seen as an individual and their unique characters are celebrated. The staff at the school genuinely care for each child and the ratio of to children within each class really benefits individual growth and learning of each child. The natural environment and setting within Sentosa is really important for us as a family, our children love to be outdoors, exploring nature -whatever the weather. We love that we can cycle to school along the beach and that our school community extends beyond the school day with lots of the children’s friends living very close to us. 

With the Reggio Emilia approach to learning so well embedded within the school curriculum and ethos our children are able to learn in a way that inspires them to learn creatively, play and teaches them to think broadly about the world they live in. 

Felicity: “school is fun and playful! I love school and I love to learn”

Rupert: “We have a Kampong hut and we can build things together.” 

The quality of the teaching both for core subjects, mandarin and the specialist learning opportunities is very high and the variety of learning experiences that our children get within each week is amazing! The parent liaison team is always smiling, helpful and available and we like that as a family they know who we are and who our children are. There is good communication via email each week from the school.  

The leadership team is very approachable and visible to the parents and the children. It’s great that they are present in the mornings to greet the children as they enter school for the day. The communication each week via the blogs is really helpful to be able to stay connected with the school. 

The main thing that has stood out to us in terms of our children’s progress has been how their confidence and sense of self has grown in the last year. Academically there has been great progress too – particularly in reading and we love that both children now sing and talk in Mandarin at home. 

The campus environment itself is full of natural beauty outside and both our children enjoy their time spent in the back garden and outdoor spaces each week. Our children love that they can be free to explore the outside spaces, find treasures (usually bugs, leaves and seeds!) and can have lots of sensory experiences in the natural environment surrounded by trees. 

The inside environment has a great atmosphere and you can tell how hard all the staff work to make each classroom and learning space inviting and exciting for the children to engage with.  We are looking forward to more opportunities for the children to explore off campus – Rupert is especially looking forward to beach games in PE plus next term! 

Felicity: “I like the peacocks and the hornbills that live around school” 

Rupert: “I love PE lessons with Mr Mark” 

Kirsty and Matthew Dalton, Parents of Rupert (Primary Year 3) and Felicity (Primary Year 1) – 2022

Oddson Family

EtonHouse Sentosa is a wonderful and nurturing environment full of caring people. We always felt like everyone really and truly cared about looking after our children. The school itself was also amazing; a cheery and bright building next to greenery that is also part of Singapore’s history!

Our children truly loved their teachers.  Beyond being educators, they were really helpful and warm people. We always found the school office team to be responsive and professional.

A unique aspect would be from an emotional attunement point of view. We thought EtonHouse was really supportive of our children’s growth.

The location and facilities are amazing! We feel truly blessed to have had this experience as part of our lives for a few years.

Anoushka and Brent, Parents of Lily (Primary Year 2) and India (Pre-Nursery) – 2022


Parent Testimonial

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We believe that environments should be extraordinary rather than ordinary.


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